The Heraldic Pose

July 16, 2021

Known as the “Horaltic Pose”, a black vulture assumes it each morning as it faces the sun. 

You see, having to survive on carrion, and the availability of the carrion being unpredictable, the vulture lets the body temperature drop at night to conserve energy. Come morning, it spreads out its wings to get warmed up by the rising sun. The vulture heralds the new day by energizing before it flies off to clean Nature up.

So what energizes you in the morning? What gets you ready to “carpe diem”? 

A quiet time? Meditation? Coffee? A 5-mile run? 100 push-ups? The news? 

Whatever it is, it is your sun. Like the vulture, spread out you arms and let it give you that spark for the day. Energize!….

“Embrace Your Sun”

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